Saturday 28 March 2015

Clashes in Immoren - First Game

"There was a house in front of her. It looked like some kind of barn adjacent to a field. To her right, Sorscha could see the squad of Widowmakers advancing through the woods, preparing their weapons as the go. On the far side of the field a big beast with talons and claws could be seen, further to her right there was a group of Nyss deploying. This patrol would bring battle, battle with the Legion of Everblight.
Sorscha didn't fear battle, she welcomed it, especially with her two newly repaired warjacks. She had her Destroyer to her left and her Juggernaut to her right. Behind the lumbering beast on the far side of the field she barely could see the enemy Warlock. They were both ready for the skirmish ahead of them. Sorscha took a deep breath feeling the cold air in her lungs. She was ready for battle." 

So I have played my first game of Warmahordes. I faced off against a Legion of Everblight. It was only a 15 pts. game, but I found it to be fun. It was a good experience and I manage to use Sorschas feat at a decisive point in the battle, being able to have my Widowmakers disengage a unit of sword armed Nyss and firing at them killing all but one of them. I focused my attacks on the one large creature that my opponent had, but I was unable to take it down in the end. Some bad dice roll on my Destroyer's (hiding behind the barn in the picture) attack against the beast failed to kill it. Since I had charged in Sorscha against the beast too, I was doomed as it turn to become my opponents turn. Having committed my Warcaster in melee, I lost when Sorscha was taken out.

It was a good and fun game, and even though Warmahordes is a IGOUGO game system I didn't find it to be a lot of waiting time. I played at my FLGS and was received well by the gamers there. It was a very friendly environment to come to and start trying out Warmachine/Hordes. The gamers there seem to be very into Warmahordes gaming and talked a lot about the meta, and I didn't take long for them to recommend how I should build my force in the future. However, the best choices for a Khador forces doesn't seem to be the choice I think are cool in the fluff. Since I still have a bunch of miniatures to paint for my Khador force I'm planning to push the choice into the future. As it seems my FLGS is where a couple of Swedens best Warmahordes players gather, and if I understood it right a few of the have played in the world championship. So from the point of view of exploring the competitive side of gaming, it seems like I'm in the right place.

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